Call for Submissions


The Archive is the official journal of the Department of Linguistics, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines Diliman. The Regular Series of the journal serves as a peer-reviewed publication for original works dealing primarily but not exclusively with Philippine languages and dialects. We are accepting works in any of the following formats year-round:

  • full-length articles
  • squibs ­
  • linguistic data sets
  • field notes and linguistic ethnographies
  • interviews
  • reviews and commentaries

Single, extensive works on the grammars of Philippine languages and dialects may also be published in the Special Publications Series of the journal.



An electronic copy of the manuscript must be submitted in either .docx or .pdf format. All citations and formatting must follow APA Style (6th Ed.). The language examples used in the manuscript must be numbered, labeled, and parsed. Transcriptions of language data in the International Phonetic Alphabet must be in the Doulos SIL typeface <downloadable from>. Language names and abbreviations must follow the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 639 Code Tables <>. For the glossing of data, The Leipzig Glossing Rules <> will serve as the standard. It is highly recommended that the author includes a summary of abbreviations and acronyms used in the article, either at the beginning of the paper or as an appendix.



Full-length articles must be based on original research dealing primarily with Philippine languages or dialects. Typological and comparative studies that include languages and dialects outside the Philippines will also be considered. The article must be from 5,000-9,000 words, including the title, abstract, and references. An abstract consisting of 150-300 words with at least five (5) keywords must be included.

Squibs are brief research notes that forward observations or initial conclusions regarding a specific linguistic problem or aspect of linguistic structure of Philippine languages or dialects. The squib must be from 1,000-3,000 words. Abstract and keywords, while recommended, are not required.  

Linguistic data sets consisting of phonological and morphosyntactic (e.g. pronominal and case-marking systems) data from Philippine languages, dialects, or language groups will be considered.  Material such as wordlists and sentence lists which may serve as supplements to existing elicitation materials will also be considered. However, priority will be given to those Philippine languages or language groups with relatively little or no published descriptions.

Field reports or linguistic ethnographies from areas and ethnolinguistic groups in the Philippines with relatively little or no published descriptions and research will be prioritized. The field report or linguistic ethnography must be from 3,000-5,000 words. Images may be included as long as they are appropriately labeled and of a high quality (700x400 pixel display). Explanatory text or captions must not exceed 200 words per image.

Interviews of scholars, field workers, cultural workers, and educators who work on Philippine languages, dialects, and ethnolinguistic groups will be considered. Authors must secure written consent from the interviewee before the interview is published in The Archive.

Review articles or commentaries on books, documentaries, films, or television programs tackling linguistics and Philippine language issues will be considered. Commentaries and replies to published research will also be considered. Reviews or commentaries must be from 1,000-5,000 words.



All submissions are subject to double-blind peer review with the exception of interviews, review articles, and commentaries.


All submissions must be sent to with the subject header: "[The Archive] Title of your paper"

Submissions are accepted year-round.